Grade 3 Bake Sale

To benefit Red Cross relief services in Japan

March 30, 2011

Grade Three students at St. Agatha School have been discussing Lent during their Religion classes.  Some children see Lent as a time of sacrifice when they give up some of their favorite things.  They have also learned that Lent is a time when they should try to do positive things and help others.

The Third graders decided to run a bake sale during their lunch period to benefit the people of Japan who were victims of the earthquake and the tsunami.

With the help of the parents, baked goods were donated and sold to the students during all the lunch periods on Wednesday, March 30th.

The Third graders raised over $500.00 to send to the American Red Cross to help the people of Japan.  The children were very excited that they were able to raise so much money to help those in need.

bake bake bake
Grade 3 students Preach the Gospel by their actions!

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