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2011 Annual Awards Program
On Wednesday June 15 the seventh grade hosted the annual awards program. Grade 6 was invited to attend and they were warmly welcomed into the Middle School Program. A number of students shared their reflections on what it is like to be part of St. Agatha Middle School. After the speeches, a variety of awards were presented to the seventh grade students. The awards included Math, English and the Perfect Attendance, and the President’s Award.

The purpose of the President’s Award for Academic Excellence is to recognize those students who have demonstrated outstanding academic excellence. The student must meet the following requirements: a grade point average of 90 or above for the current year, recommendations by the faculty and the principal, and maintain an “A” in conduct. The winners for the school year 2010/2011 are as follows: Alex Curley, Kristen Fahey, Clair Lyons, Rachel Bargoot, Elizabeth McNulty, MaryKate Kilcommons, Joey Odegaar, Omonosa Owens, and Jessica Olivieri.

The purpose of the Award for academic achievement is to recognize students who have shown outstanding educational growth and commitment to academic pursuits. This year's winners are as follows: Aileen Farrell, Christina Pierotti, Katherine Pinzon, Kevin Thimotee, and Maureen Westwater.
All of the students have worked very hard this year and we are proud of all their accomplishments.
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