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Directions to Saint Agatha Church

Adams Street at Brook Road, Milton MA

From the South: Route I93-3 North to exit 9, "Adams St., E. Milton"

You are now on Granite Ave, which runs parallel to I93. Proceed through traffic lights, past firehouse,

(Adams St. is one way at this point) and take 1st left, which crosses I93, and rejoins Adams St.

Turn right onto Adams St.  Church will be on right side.

From the North: Route I93-3 South to exit 10, "Squantum St., E. Milton". Follow Squantum St. to stop

sign and flashing light.  Turn left onto Adams St.  Church will be on left side.

Click here for a Map to St. Agatha Church





St. Agatha Parish
432 Adams Street / Milton, MA 02186
Telephone: 617-698-2439 / Fax: 617-698-1517


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