At the Easter Vigil, we welcomed Elizabeth, Carmen, Christoper and Nicole into the
St. Agatha Faith Community. |
St. Agatha was very blessed this year to welcome into the Church four people.
Our RCIA process begins again in the fall. Actually, the first part of the RCIA is known as a Period of Inquiry. During this period, information is given to people who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. There is no obligation
involved in attending these meetings– they are intended to help a person decide
whether he/she wants to continue learning about the Catholic Faith. Attendees at this
stage are known as Inquirers. Please do not wait for the fall if you are curious about the Catholic Faith. We are available at any time to answer any questions.
Please contact Fr. Bill Palardy at 617-696-8978 or email him
at Pastor@StAgathaParish.org. |
St. Agatha
432 Adams Street / Milton, MA 02186
Telephone: 617-698-2439 / Fax: 617-698-1517
E-mail: rectory@stagathaparish.org