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Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship:

A Call to Political Responsibility
from the Catholic Bishops of the United States

May 2007 - Pastoral Planning Report

In January 2006, Cardinal Sean O’Malley identified three areas of pastoral life that he considered particularly challenging for the archdiocese today:Faith Formation, Marriage, and Pastoral Planning. He appointed a committee to study each area and charged each committee with bringing its findings and recommendations to him and to the Presbyteral and Archdiocesan Pastoral Councils. In elaborating on his charge to the Pastoral Planning Committee, the Cardinal asked that the Committee look at what exists in terms of services and programs; review the best practices locally and nationally; and formulate recommendations and priorities to guide the archdiocese into the future.

This report details the initial findings of the Pastoral Planning Committee.
(Click here to read report)




St. Agatha Parish
432 Adams Street / Milton, MA 02186
Telephone: 617-698-2439 / Fax: 617-698-1517


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