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Online Resources to make a difference in the world…

Got a minute (truly just a minute)?
Want to help the world without leaving home and without spending even a penny? Check out these websites on the internet and help make the world a better place every day.

CARBON FAST – A different kind of fasting for Lent: As Lent approaches, our reflections turn to the three traditional practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. When the scripture writers described fasting, they never envisioned carbon fasting actions. In 2010, however, given our awareness of reducing our production of climate change pollution, you might want to consider participating in a Lenten Carbon Fast. This carbon fast calendar for Lent is the work of the Environmental Outreach Committee of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, and was brought to our attention by the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious). Click here for the calendar. – each time you visit this website and click on “Click to Give” the sponsors of the website donate money. Does it cost you anything? No, the cost of the donation is borne by the sponsors (advertisers) who hope to entice you to make a purchase. If you purchase something (absolutely not necessary), more food is donated as well.
While you are there, you can also click on tabs to make donations for:
o Breast Cancer
o Children’s health
o Literacy
o Saving the Rain Forest
o Animal Rescue
You can click and donate in all 6 areas in about one minute. – This is a site where you can play various education games, such as building your vocabulary. For each answer you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated through the UN World Food Program. Like the above, the actual cost of the donation is borne by the site sponsors. – How far would you go to end poverty? Your mission here is to locate the place given to you [e.g. Rome, Italy]; the number of cups of water donated on your behalf depends on how accurate your answer is. Once you have located one city or landmark, another location will be shown to you. You may play as long as you like.

These sites have information which can help you understand the world situation, poverty, hunger, etc. in more detail when you have the opportunity to delve further.




St. Agatha Parish
432 Adams Street / Milton, MA 02186
Telephone: 617-698-2439 / Fax: 617-698-1517


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