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Grade 8: Physical Science


St Agatha Middle School Science Curriculum

The focus of science education at St Agatha middle school is centered on the premise that actively involves students with inquiry based, hands-on experiments so as to “cultivate a positive attitude toward science and learning in general.” The core of the curriculum is centered on the Earth, the Biological and the Physical sciences.

Science in Grade 8 is a laboratory-based course. Topical coverage draws primarily from chemistry and some basic physics concepts as well as applications of these dealing with the biological and earth systems. These may include structure of matter, chemical interactions, atomic structure, forces and motion, energy, and waves. Topics begin with conceptual coverage for understanding and continue to develop quantitative skills for managing data collection, pattern analysis, graphing and modeling. A continued hands-on introduction to laboratory science helps the student master basic lab skills, including safety practices, measurement skills (precision and accuracy) using common lab ware, the science process skills of observation, data management and analysis, concluding and formal report writing. A technology/engineering component of designing, testing and redesigning that test principles learned through readings and class discussions is introduced to the student.

Resource Text: Prentice-Hall,            Chemical Building Blocks
                                                            Chemical Interactions
                                                            Motion, Forces and Energy

Helpful links General Guidelines Science Fair